Tuesday, January 9, 2018

MMOCI Quarterly Report for July-September 2017

Quarterly Report for July- September 2017

Greetings to all of our friends, partners, volunteers and board members in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. MMOCI registered some activities and challenges in the above mentioned period as noted below.



In July MMOCI team visited Zion Day and Boarding Primary School and ministered to the children. Gospel tracts were also distributed to the school. Apart from that MMOCI Director Stephen Okumu was invited by Compassion Intl. Mityana Project to talk to the teenagers about adolescence and sexuality. About 130 teenagers attended the conference in the Mityana Pentecostal Church and they gladly received the message and they even eagerly requested that he return again.

Adrin and Joan

 Zion Day and Boarding Primary School Kabule, Uganda



                                 Compassion Intl. teens waiting for guest speaker Mr. Okumu


In the month of July we managed to pay school fees for children under our care; some in primary and some in secondary schools. We do still call upon all those who have a heart to help and keep supporting the education of children.


In early July new maize was planted due to poor yield of previous crops planted. This was due to drought conditions persisting in the area.


In the same month of July, in partnership with Father’s Heart Mobility Ministry and Mityana Pentecostal Church, we participated in distributing wheelchairs to the disabled children, adults and elderly who gathered at the church for one week.

         Many were blessed by receiving wheelchairs or other adaptive aids for their disabilities.


In September 2017 we were able to install a solar system for the poultry house. We thank our friends, especially Micheal Tulk for his continued support.

      Solar panel installed on the roof of the poultry house and rooms wired for solar lighting


We have recruited more volunteers to help with the running of the poultry project.  We have the veterinary doctor, the farm manager, sales personnel and a herdsman for the livestock.  Our friends from the U.K. and U.S. also continued supporting the children in terms of school fees, clothing and other needs.


We are still struggling with inadequate funds to run the ministry well. 
The first maize grown this year yielded poor crops due to drought.

Reaching out to more children.
Keep mobilizing resources.
Reaching out to more friends abroad and locally for support.
Manage the poultry project.
Keep praying!


May God bless all of our beloved friends for their efforts and continued support of the ministry.

Principal Director
Okumu Stephen



Education    230,000
Rent            1,200,000 
Poultry          845,000
Electricity     550,000
Water             90,000
Internet       495,000
Scholastic    150,000
Volunteers   580,000
Postage          10,000
Television      201,000
Training         100,000
General Total    4,451,000   ($1215 US) or (898GBP)
Foreign Donations  2,715,000 ($741 US) or (548 GBP)

Local Donations      1,736,000 ($474 US) or (350 GBP)

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