Monday, January 29, 2018

Keeping the faith-a lesson in humility while being God's helping hand

Sometimes a person needs a hand up not a hand out. In my previously privileged life as a comfortable American I didn't have to worry too much about this stuff. 

I came to Africa 5 years ago to help those in need but somewhere along this journey the table has turned. Lately I have become the one holding out my bare hand. 

When they came to my door hungry I gave them my food; today my shelves are empty and my cupboards bare. 

When they came sick I gave them money to see a doctor; when I became sick a few weeks ago a dear friend in England sent me the money to see a doctor; otherwise I would still be sick. 

When they asked for help with school fees I gave them; now with this upcoming school term I don't have even a pencil to give.

 When they just needed a little hand up, I handed them the little I had. 

I am not sure what tomorrow holds for me but I know Who holds MY hand. I have been praying since December for some help.

 God hears my prayers. THAT I know. I just have to keep the faith.  HE will hold me up. 

 Psalm 18:35 “Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.

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