Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Many Mansions of Christ Intl. and Mother Martha Family Foundation “Youth Empowerment: Breaking the Chain of HIV Transmission.” Proposal and Budget




“Youth Empowerment: Breaking the Chain of HIV Transmission.”






      Submitted to:                       Our Friends and Partners through Mother Martha Family Foundation.


Implemented by:              Many Mansions of Christ international & Mother Martha Foundation

P.O. Box 405

                                                                        Soroti, Uganda             




Project Title

Youth Empowerment: Breaking the chain of HIV Transmission


Project Purpose

To reduce the incidence of new infections, increase awareness and knowledge about HIV prevention, destigmatize HIV/ AIDs, promote regular testing and access to health care services and empower the young people economically and spiritually.


Amount of Grant Requested


Number of beneficiaries to be impacted.

1050 People

Project Location

Soroti District Uganda, East Africa.




















Organizational Name

Many Mansions of Christ International


Year Founded



Registered Address

P.O. Box 405 Soroti, Uganda.


Registration Number



Mission Statement

To provide vulnerable people in Soroti city and Asuret subcounty with spiritual growth and basic needs support through working with Christians, individuals, ministries and other relevant partners.


Contact Person and designation

Name: Okumu Stephen

Designation: Principal Director


Contact details

Phone: +256776551180

E-mail: manymansions11@gmail.com



Social Media

















Experts fighting HIV/AIDs in Soroti District have raise concern over high HIV/AIDS prevalence rate among the young population. HIV/ AIDS prevalence rate among the young people aged 20 to 24 stands at 4.5 percent up from 3.7 percent in the previous years.

HIV/ AIDs is still the biggest threat in the District. The 4.5 percent prevalence means that in every 20 individuals, at least one person is living with it.

An individual continues to spread HIV for as long as he or she is still sexually active, which expresses others at risk.

HIV/AIDS has been a major public health issues in Uganda for several decades and young people aged 15-24 have been disproportionately affected by epidemic. The first case of HIV infection was reported in Uganda in the early 1980s and by the Mid 1990s the country had one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world.

One of the key factors driving the spread of HIV among young people in Uganda has been a lack of comprehensive sex education and access to sexual and reproductive health services. Many young people in Uganda have limited knowledge about HIV transmission and prevention and they may engage in high risk behavior such as unprotected sex and multiple partners.

In addition, social and economic factors such as poverty, gender inequality, and migration have also contributed to the high rate of HIV infection among young people in Uganda. For example, young women in Uganda may be economically dependent on older men for financial support leading to transactional sex and increased risk of HIV transmission.

Although other organizations such as The AIDS support Organisation (TASO) Uganda Cares and AIDS information Centre (AIC) have played a big role in trying to reduce the spread of the disease. Not much has been done in terms of school to school awareness among the young people and also in the areas of empowerment of the young people economically so that they don’t fall prey to the older groups of people for support and transactional sex.

Many Mansions of Christ international together with Mother Martha Foundation would like to revive the school education programs and also reach out to more young people in the communication so as to empower them economically.






The primary goal of this particular project is to reduce the number of new infections and improve the overall wellbeing of young people.


Increase knowledge and awareness. Educating the youth about HIV transmissions, prevention methods and the importance of regular testing.

Promoting safe sexual practices. Encouraging the use of condoms, reducing the number of partners and promoting abstinence and prevention methods.

Increasing access to HIV testing and counselling. Promoting regular testing and ensuring linkage to care and treatment services to those who are positive.

Providing support services. Offering psychological support counseling and pear support for youth living with HIV. They can also be empowered economically through establishing income generating activities.


















Target Group:

The youth and teenagers

Age Group:


Estimated numbers of Beneficiaries:

1050 young boys and girls

Target Areas:

Kamuda Subcounty, Asuret Subcounty and Soroti City.




















The proposed project is a comprehensive initiative aimed at increasing awareness, preventing transmission amongst the youth and to support individual families affected by HIV/ AIDs with the youth communities. We aim to support those families with two goats per family as an income generating activity. Through a combination of outreaches both in the schools and in the communities, we seek to empower young people economically but most importantly, encourage them to take charge of their health, combat stigma and discrimination.

Key components of the project will include, delivering accurate age and appropriate information about HIV/AIDS in schools and communities encouraging health behavior such as practicing safe sex and getting tested regularly. There will also be outreaches to the communities, providing the affected families with goats for future income generating. Collaboration with stakeholders such as Mother Martha Foundation, local leaders, school heads, churches and other community leaders will be key as far as this program is concern. This will help amplify the impact of the program and ensure coordinated efforts in the fight against HIV/AIDs.


















Increase awareness about HIV/AIDS. This can lead to more informed decision making and behavior change among young people.

Decreased Transmission Rate. By empowering the young people to protect themselves and others. We will be able to make significant strides in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS in Soroti District.

Improved Health Outcomes. It will lead to reduced risk of opportunistic infections, viral suppression and increased quality of life for those living with HIV/AIDS.

Reduced stigma and Discrimination. Through education campaign we can help young people living with HIV/AIDS feel empowered and accepted.

Economic Empowerment. These will help providing the affected families with goats as an income generating venture will make these families become financially independent and hence reduce poverty financial stress.


















It is a one month program starting from September 2024 to October 2024.



Week 1 [SEPT]

Identification of schools

Identification of goat beneficiaries

Baseline compilation

Recruiting volunteers

Training and briefing volunteers

Resource mobilization

Week 2

Awareness campaigns


Week 3

Awareness campaign


Week 4

Awareness campaign

Goat distribution

Monitoring and evaluation



















The organisation will come up with a tool or mechanism that will help to identify specific indicators of the program. We shall track the number of young people that attend the awareness campaigns and also record the households that will benefit from the goat project. This will help in the monitoring and evaluation aspect.

A proper work plan will also be developed and activities will be broken down into different categories. This will help track the day-to-day activities and for accountability purposes.

We will also be able to collect data from the house holds and the youth that participate in the awareness campaign. This will be achieved through interviews, focused group discussions, and surveys.

Regular reports will also be provided for our partners and stakeholders. This report will include the activities such as the school campaigns, a goat give away project and it will also include the challenges faced during the activities.

Video coverage and taking of pictures will also be part of the program. We will hire an individual to take pictures and cover videos during the program. This videos and pictures can be revealed later so as to determine the progress of the project.


Community Engagement and Ownership.

We shall engage the youth leaders from the communities, school owners and other stakeholders such as The AIDS Support Organization [TASO], AIDs Information Centre [AIC] and health providers in Soroti District in the implementation of the program. This will build a sense of ownership, hence sustainability of the program.

Capacity Building.                                      

We shall train our volunteers and other stakeholders such as the school owners, and local community leaders in the greater delivery and support of the HIV/AIDS program to the young people.

Sustainable funding.

The program such as these requires adequate funding. We will have to explore other opportunities for grants, donations and also carry out fund raising once in a while in order to raise revenue for the long term activities.

Monitoring and evaluation.

We shall continuously and evaluate the program in order to access the impact, identify areas for improvement and demonstrate results to the funders and stakeholders. Their feedback will give us direction in which way to go with the project.









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