Saturday, November 4, 2023

Year End Report MMOCI 2022



P.O. Box 405 Soroti Uganda

TELEPHONE: +256776551180

 Vision: to have community where all people reflect God and can access quality care and support.

Mission: to disciple people for spiritual growth and basic needs support through working with Christians individuals, ministries and other relevant partners.





·         Our students were supported with fees from our friend from US and UK.

·         Three secondary students returned to school  January 10, 2022 and completed the whole year 

·         Our Principal Director returned to University to continue pursuing a B.A. in Social Science degree; he had also been affected by school closings since his acceptance into the program in 2020.

Poultry Project

It bears mentioning that up until the present time the MMOCI Poultry project remains on hold. All profits were deposited in the bank and have remained until further decisions are made to restart the project or invest into a new project going forward. The poultry house is being maintained as it remains an important asset in our ministry income-generating future.  We call on ministry members for suggestions moving forward. We also need the outside walls plastered, a flashing board installed and gutters and a wire fence installed for security.


 In August 2022 an acre of cassava was planted. The trees planted last year are still growing though many were eaten or trampled on by goats


On July 20, 2022, sadly, after a long battle with Leukemia, our dear Grace passed away. We give so much thanks to all the donors who made her last couple of years on this earth so much better.  She was buried on July 22, 2022. R.I.P. Grace. 


·         Funds were raised to allow our secondary students to return to school

·         Students returned to school and finished the year with good marks

·         The remaining chickens were sold to a local restaurant/hotel and the profits deposited

·         We continued to assist families in Jinja and Mityana and Soroti with received donations sent for them specific from abroad

·         Our director Stephen continued into his second year at the university



·         Challenges remain in mobilizing funds for school fees, ministry projects and agriculture

·         The poultry project remains on hold due to high costs of feeds and supplements and an incomplete structure/surrounding to house them safely.

·         Malaria affected both the director and his wife severely for all of 2022

·         Cheryl had to return to the U.S. due to medical problems stemming from both post-covid and frequent malaria infections though she did return in December 2022 in better health

·         We had to relocate the offices to another location due to mosquitoes and other heath issues at the location and it is now more costly

Way Forward

·         More mobilization for funds to run the projects e.g. poultry, agriculture, school fees, food and medical care, Hospice care etc.

·         Continue strategizing for better planning

·         Protect from covid-19

·         Prayers

·         Work on the renewal.

·         Review some of our objectives


We sincerely thank all of our friends from United Kingdom, United States and Australia for standing with us despite a lackluster year. May the Almighty God reward you tremendously.



Okumu Stephen


Principal Director






Education                         $630.00

Rent                                  $1,833.00

 Electricity                         $700.00

Internet                             $660.00

Water                                $362.00

Medical                              $500.00

Food                                   $700.00

Volunteers                         $560.00

Propane                             $210.00

Mityana family support  $2564.00

Soroti family support      $3,229.00

Post office fees                   $20.00

Bank Charges                   $145.00

Television subscription   $187.00

Transport                         $960.00

Paypal fees                       $200.00

Total expenses         $13,460.00 (10,877.00 GBP) (50,603,682.00 ugx) ($20,670.00AUD)



Foreign donations $8,186.00 (6,615.00 GBP) (30,777,606.00 ugx) ($12,571.00 AUD)

Local donations     $5,274.00 (4,262.00 GBP) ($19,829,720.00 ugx) ($8,114.00 AUD)                                                  

Total Donations     $13,460.00 (10,877.00 GBP) (50,603,682.00 ugx) ($20,670.00 AUD)


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