Saturday, February 23, 2019

March 2017-March 2018 Yearly Report


Vision: To have a community where all children reflect God and can access quality care and support.
Mission: To disciple children in Uganda for spiritual growth and basic needs support through working with Christians, individuals, ministries and relevant partners.

-          Poultry project started
-          Paid volunteers recruited
-          Mityana and Soroti permits renewed
-          Christmas/Thanksgiving party
-          Disability supported
-          Clothing distribution project officially started
-          Food project started

April 2017-Ministered to the church and the children in Kitodha, Bugiri District Uganda
 April 2017-Ministered to the orphanage in Jinja town, Uganda and gave them a gift
May 2017-Distributed Gospel tracts to the children in Bulenga, Wakiso District. They were so excited as we encouraged them with the Word of God.
July 2017-Distributed Gospel tracts to children at Zion primary School
July 2017-Ministered to the children in Child Development Center Mityana
December 15, 2017-Organized a Christmas party for MMOCI sponsored children
December 16, 2017-The children participated in ministering to the church on the Annual Thanksgiving ceremony at Mityana Pentecostal Church. Children won prizes and ate.
March 2018-Distributed a bag of posho maize flour to the children in Mityana Pentecostal Church Bible Sunday School Class for porridge when they attend on Sunday mornings.
April 2018-Ministered to the church in Mityana Pentecostal Church, Mityana Uganda
-Support for the students continued to come in from U.S. and U.K.
-We were able to increase to put 12 children to school
-Isaac, our first university sponsored student who graduated in 2016 got a good job with a big NGO
-Two of our children successfully completed primary level
-One of the students will be sitting for senior four exams this year
-Sarah, one of our Senior 6 graduates joined a Vocational school
-Lucky, currently being sponsored will sit for her P 7 leaving exams this year
-Seven of our sponsored children are still in primary level

*Special thanks go out to BIC ministry, Vanda, Jill, Cheryl and Mel for their continued support of these students.

-The MMOCI income generating project officially started in October 2017 with about 450 chicks

 -Mick Tulk from U.K. contributed a lot to this project right from the time of building the poultry house over 4 years.

-More than half of the chickens have grown and have already been sold
- Some good number of the chickens died due to many external factors
-Part of the money collected from the sales has been used to pay school fees
-There is still a lot of fundraising needed in order to complete the building properly and start the project again with a good number of chicks
-There is still need for plastering the final room and the exterior of the building, fencing the entire premises for safety and to contain the chickens during their time outside each day, a larger solar system, a small refrigerator to store vaccinations and more.
-Paid volunteers have been employed to work on the project
-Training was given by a trained Veterinary doctor to the workers and community members on how to care for the chickens.

-We did plant maize in Feb and July of 2017. The first plantings dried up due to severe drought but the second planting from July yielded posho flour for the workers and the product of maize bran was used as added supplements to the chicken feeds.
-We have also invested in cows to help provide milk for the workers and additional future income for the ministry.

-In the month of July 2017, MMOCI members in partnership with Mityana Pentecostal Church, with the support of Father’s Heart Mobility Ministry, disabled men, women and children were supported with wheelchairs and other adaptive equipment.
-Since 2017, MMOCI ministry has distributed clothes and other scholastic materials and gifts to more than 100 children and other recipients in both Mityana and Soroti Districts. Most of the items we receive are donated by a lovely woman in the U.K.  Jill has continued sending items through the post office for all of 2017 but for years now has cared about Ugandans.
-Recruited paid volunteers for the poultry project; the veterinary doctor, farm attendant, a sales executive.
-Our volunteer Carla has continued to care for several orphaned, abandoned and sick children in her home.
-Friends from U.K. and U.S. have continued supporting the ministry with school fees for the children, gospel tracts, food, clothing and medical assistance.
-Mick surprised us with the building of the poultry house.
-Debbie has continued supporting the ministry with a monthly donation to buy food for hungry children since Feb. 2018
-Brian Derby Painting has continued his support of the ministry and helps us so much.
-Mityana Pentecostal Church has continued partnering with us especially in the area of ministering to the children, discipleship and evangelism.

-On December 29, 2017, MMOCI visited Mukisa Foundation Ltd. Ministry and ministered to the children in the home. We had an opportunity to minister to the children through music.
-On February 10, 2017 we visited sponsored children and families in Otatai and Omulala villages in Soroti.
 -On February 4, 2018 we also visited the homes of some of the sponsored children in Nalulangade village in Mityana.
On April 12, 2018 Donated clothing was distributed to Mityana Hospital Maternity Dept. for the new babies
-An increase in the number of children sponsored through education from 8-12
-We were able to start the poultry project
-We were able to minister to about 620 children in the period of March 2017-March 2018 through evangelism and distribution of gospel tracts.
-We were able to distribute clothes and other scholastic materials to more than 80 children.
-We managed to renew our Mityana and Soroti Operation permits.
-The Board has been able to meet.
-Training of the community members on poultry project management.
-Recruited paid volunteers to manage the project.
-Distributed food to hungry families.
-We were able to be joined by new donors and volunteers.
-An increase in donations compared to last financial year by $2,857!

-There is a need for more funds to complete the poultry house building and other needs like fencing, transport means, water gutters etc.
-Difficulty in following up with school fee sponsors for the children.
-Need for an office space and transportation for the ministry.
-Uncertainties in the poultry project and marketing,  expensive feeding costs and a fluctuating market for sales.

WAY FORWARD 2018/2019
-Come up with active 5 year strategic development plan for the ministry.
-Start planning for a foreign tour for resource mobilization for the ministry.
-Renew the NGO permit.
-Continue to disciple and evangelize the children.
-Do more research on the poultry project.
We want to applaud all of our partners, friends and other ministries including churches, for working with us in evangelizing children and providing them with the basic necessities for life. Your efforts were not in vain. May the almighty God reward you.

Okumu Stephen
Principal Director

                                                   March 2017-March 2018 Financial Report
Education          3,530,000
Rent                    4,650,000
Poultry               9,147,600
Electricity          2,106,000
Internet             1,948,000
Water                    582,000
Evangelism           531,000
Food                      440,000
Stationary            119,000
Scholastic             570,000
Volunteers         3,863,000
TV subscription    737,000
Communication   130,000
Agriculture            241,000
Postage                  401,000
Training                  100,000
NGO permit             70,000
Hotel                       280,000
Ministry Oven       390,000
Medical               1,200,000
GENERAL TOTAL- 31,035,600 ($8,867 US) (6207 GBP)
FOREIGN DONATION: ($3,816 US)  (2671 GBP)
LOCAL DONATION: ($5051 US)   (3536 GBP)

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