Sunday, February 24, 2019

Please consider helping us............

Director Stephen Okumu and his wife Cheryl

Many Mansions of Christ International is a ministry created in 2013 to evangelize and help needy, vulnerable and orphaned children in Uganda East Africa. Many children here have lost one or more parents to HIV/AIDS and other diseases. The proportion of children under age 15 is 48% and age 15-65 at 49%. We assist children and families with food, clothing, school fees, medicine and more. We also evangelize children through Children's Bible Study classes and school outreaches. Please consider joining with us to help these children and families. They NEED your help! 

 To provide children in Uganda with spiritual growth and quality care through working with Christians, individuals, ministries and other relevant partners.


To have a community where children reflect God and have equal access to quality care and support.

Children's Bible Study Classes

Since 2013 we have looked for creative ways to engage supporters and get much needed assistance for the vulnerable children in Uganda. We have several donors who support children with school fees. In Uganda education is very important as it is in any country. Parents and caregivers strive to make sure children attend good schools which are costly. Even government schools cost a certain amount. We also have donors from UK and US who assist poor families with gifts, clothing and food donations. We thank every donor for their love and concern for these children and families for the past 7 years. You could also be one of them!

Giving out Bible tracts at schools in Mityana and Kampala Uganda

                                                Children and Youth in Ugandan Schools

For as many as we help, there is so many more wishing for a chance at an education or for more than just one meal a day. In a country where there is a desperate desire to have the most basic of needs, (that we in developed nations sometimes take for granted), our plea is urgent. Being here in Uganda, viewing all of this suffering from the front lines firsthand, we passionately try to alleviate some of the suffering by reaching out to you for help, even if it is for one family or one child at a time. Mother Theresa said “if you can’t feed the masses, then feed just one”.
Family in Mityana Uganda receiving posho flour from a donor in U.K.

A young girl in Mityana Uganda with her mother receiving a gift from a donor in U.K.

School children in Mityana Uganda receiving a donation of eggs from a donor in U.K.

Young girl in Soroti Uganda receiving a clothing donation from a donor in U.K.

There are so many children and families still needing our help!

Judith, Joan and Adrin (L to R) need help with school fees

Washington lives with his family in a grass roof hut

Kenneth, 16 wants to go to school but cares for cows to add income to the household

Scovia and her husband and children live in this house. The roof leaks when it rains

Widowed mother with her girls. They live and sleep all in one room

Catherine lives in a mud hut in Soroti Uganda

And there are SO many more! 

In 2013 we had an idea to start an income generating poultry project for the ministry. Land was donated to us to construct a house. Over the next 4 years it was built one donation and one brick at a time until it was finally a basic structure that we could consider putting chicks into.

Early stages of building the poultry house

Doors, roof, plastering inside and cleaning

In October 2017 we officially started the project with 450 chickens. It was a bumpy start and the target date went long and over budget but in the end we sold around 300 meat chickens. Not bad for a first try! We have now officially transferred to the district where the project is and we are ready to begin again and give it all we’ve got! 
We just need funding. 

With your help we can succeed!

Poultry house in 2017 ready for chicks but needing proper completion still

Staff training by a licensed vet and MMOCI Director 

Chicks in their brooder

Chicks around 3 weeks old 

Chickens almost grown

Our needs: 
Currently the building has 2 out of 3 rooms plastered and with the completion of the 3rd room our goal is to start with 600 chicks this time. We have charcoal warming pots, feeder trays, drinkers and 2 brooders but we will need one more plus additional charcoal pots, feeders and drinkers. We have competent trained staff and a vet available on call.

Papyrus fencing is not durable. We need a metal fence

Our farm worker Nathan Eju cleaning feeding trays and drinkers. We need more!

We are ready to start again for our second try and with your help we can:

·         *Finish plastering outside walls

·         *Install gutters to collect rain water for cleaning, (otherwise water is brought in jerry cans via bicycle from a nearby borehole well)

·        -*Upgrade the solar panels (there is no electricity in the village) to provide warming lights instead of using charcoal pots in the 1st 3 weeks of life when they need kept cozy warm

·         *Construct a metal wire fence around the house (last time we used papyrus mats and they fell down)

 We have a detailed budget that includes even more. It’s how we determined our present and future goal amount for our project and it includes funding for our 5 year strategic plan goals for our ministry as well. "Rome wasn't built in a day" and we didn't come this far to just come this far! 

We are fully transparent and have yearly professionally prepared financial audits available on request. We are an NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) registered with the Republic of Uganda since 2014. Donations are used per donor’s specific requests (i.e. school fees for a certain child) or for ministry in general if not specified. Building the poultry project is our first objective as it will be income-generation and ultimately financial independence to help as many as we can!

 We have quarterly and yearly reports posted on our blogsite regularly at:

 We have a website (free one but nonetheless) at:

And also a facebook page at:

To help us, you can also SHARE OUR LINKS on your facebook timeline! Thanks!

Other ways to help include:

1.    Fundraising in your communities, churches or groups

2.    Volunteer your time here in Uganda! Come meet our kids and see beautiful Uganda!

3.    Support Many Mansions of Christ Intl. generally as we have so needs to supply like:

·          Food
·         School fees
·         Scholastic materials
·         Medical expenses
·         Clothing needs
·         Housing needs
·         Help us create/purchase a real website not a free one. 

We sincerely thank you for your consideration in helping us help others!

 Goal amount: 50,625,000 ugx  ($14,464 US)  (11250 GBP)

MMOCI Poultry Project Budget for 2019

1. Finish structure                                                                                         
a. Plaster the last remaining unfinished room inside 200,000 ugx  ($57 US)  (43 GBP)
b. Plaster entire exterior     3,000,000 ugx  ($857 US) (652 GBP)
c. Flashing board at roof level (to attach gutters) 400,000 ugx ($114 US) (87 GBP)
d. 2 Gutters- installed   300,000 ugx ($85 US) (65 GBP)
e. Upgrade Solar system (bigger panels and battery) 3,000,000 ($857 US) (652 GBP)
f. Make shutters for all windows  300,000 ugx ($85 US) (65 GBP)
g. Ceiling boards 4,000,000 ugx ($1,142 US) (870 GBP)

2. Fencing
a. Upgrade exterior fencing to wire; surround entire building for security  1,500,000 ($428 US) (326 GBP)

3. Water collection
a. Purchase 2 120L water collection drums 50,000 ugx ($14 US) (11GBP)    
4. Agriculture
a. Plant maize, greens and other chicken feed supplements 250,000 ($71 US) (54 GBP)
b. Pay laborers to plant, maintain and harvest  50,000 ($14 US) (11 GBP)

5. Transporting chickens
a. Make baskets @ 10,000 each x 10 -100,000 ($28 US) (21 GBP)
b. Small truck (used) 15,000,000 ($4,285 US) (3,260GBP)
c. Purchase 1 bicycle for bringing water from the borehole 300,000 ugx  ($85 US) (65 GBP)
d. Wire warehouse for keeping chickens waiting for sales 350,000 ($100 US) (76 GBP)   

6. Chicken related expenses
a. Purchasing chicks for all three rooms  2,025,000 ($578 US) (446 GBP)                  
b. Build 2 brooders for each room x 2    160,000 ugx *80,000 each* ($45 US) (35 GBP)
c. Build wooden boxes for any layers  200,000 ugx ($57 US) (44 GBP)
d. Weight scale 90,000 ugx ($25 US) (20GBP)
e. Refrigerator (solar) for vaccination storage 500,000 ugx ($ 142 US) (108 GBP)
f. Farm worker overalls x4  160,000 ugx ($45 US) (35 GBP)
g. Gumboots for workers x 2 90,000 ugx ($25 US) (20 GBP)
h. Feeding chickens x 4 months @ 400000/month  1,600,000 ugx ($ 457 US)  (355 GBP)

7. New Structures
a. Build an Office for Many Mansions of Christ Intl. Soroti staff 4,000,000 ugx ($1,142 US) (869 GBP)

b. Build an 8’x 16’ Greenhouse for growing during dry seasons  6,000,000 ugx ($1714 US)  (1,304 GBP)

c. Build an addition off the back of the building to house more chicks 7,000,000 ugx ($2,000 US) (1555 GBP)

Total Budget : 50,625,000 ugx ($14,464 US) (11250 GB)

Ways to donate!

We gratefully accept Money Gram and Western Union: Receiver info: Stephen Okumu. Soroti, Uganda. We will need the reference number for Money Gram, amount and sender name and location sent from or the MTCN number, amount and sender name and location sent from for Western Union.

We also use World Remit as it is safe, professional and easy to use.

With World Remit you can send direct to his MTN Mobile Money acct +256 776 55 1180

Stephen Okumu P.O. Box 405 Soroti Uganda

Paypal also accepted:


Saturday, February 23, 2019

Quarterly Report for May-August 2018

Greetings to all of our friends, partners, volunteers and board members in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Below are the activities carried out in the last four months.



·         In the month of May 2018 we ministered to the youth in Mityana Pentecostal Church in the Compassion International program. The majority of the youth were between 14-22 years of age. The message to them was about decision-making and planning in their own future.

·         In the month of August Many Mansion’s team and volunteers also delivered a word of encouragement to disabled families and their children in Bulera Sub-county in Mityana District the same message was also aired through Mbona FM and Sun FM radio stations located in Mityana Town Council.

                         Compassion Intl. youth hearing a message on decision-making and planning  
Encouraging the disabled in Bulera, Mityana   

Mbona FM and Sun FM radio interviews


·         MMOCI has continued to support children with school fees and scholastic materials; Three students in secondary schools and 7 in primary level.

·         School fees money has always come from our donors in the U.K., U.S., local individuals and from the Poultry Project profits.

·         In the month of July, we loaned about 180 reading books to Watoto Primary School in Mityana Town Council. These books are on loan until the end of this last term then beginning next year  will be loaned to another school for a term then another and so on so many students will benefit from them.

Teacher reading to students at Watoto School

Children’s books donated from U.K.

Headmaster of Watoto School sharing books

Students of Watoto School happy to hold books  


·         In the month of June we were able to identify the market for chickens in Kampala and sold off all of them. The project is currently at a stand-still while we identify other risk factors before we get back to business. Part of the profits from the chickens was used to clear school fees and some of the money saved for another round of business which is most likely to restart in January 2019.


·         In the month of May clothes were given out to the needy at Mityana Pentecostal Church and about 50 people benefitted from the give-away.

·         Clothes were also given to the family members of one of our beneficiaries of school fees. This took place on May 27.

·         Clothes were also given to the people living with disabilities in the month of August.

·         Still in the same month there was a clothing distribution in Omulala Village Asuret sub-county Soroti District. 

·         We do thank all our partners from the U.K. for enabling the clothes distribution project to be successful.
A single mother and children receiving clothes

One of our beneficiaries Asumpta receiving clothes

  Children in Asuret sub-county, Soroti receiving donated clothing

   Kakonde in Mityana Dsitrict receiving clothing

Clothing giveaway held at Mityana Pentecostal Church

 Clothing give-away at Bulera, Mityana Dsitrict for the disabled community

·         At the beginning of months July and August, food in the form of eggs was distributed to the needy family in Busimbi, Kasinbi, Mityana Town Council and to the school children residing at Watoto Primary School.
Family  receiving eggs from Debbie in U.K.

Watoto students  receiving eggs also from Debbie D.


·         In the month of August, in partnership with a CBO called Community Based Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities in Bulera sub-county with Alex Akaka. Clothes were distributed to about 16 families living with disabilities.

·         We also took advantage of the day to advocate for more disability support through Mbona FM and Sun FM in Mityana Municipality who had come to witness the give-away so as to share it on the radio.

 Bulera sub-county clothing giveaway in partnership with Community Based Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities managed by Alex Akaka


·         A donation was made by a donor in U.K. for an emergency case of an abandoned child and the money was distributed through MMOCI.

·         A donation was made from a donor in the U.S. to buy a pig for a local man wishing to start a piggery project. The money was distributed through MMOCI.
 Jill from U.K. continues to surprise beneficiaries of gifts and backpacks

·         CHALLENGES:

·         Lack of enough funds
·         Difficulty obtaining a U.S. Visa for the Director
·         Lack of enough fees to help all the needy children
·         Transportation
·         Indiscipline of some beneficiaries
·         Delay of NGO Permit renewal


·         Follow up on NGO certificate renewal
·         Prayers for the ministry
·         Prayer for children and counseling
·         Look for more sponsors for children
·         Restart poultry project

May God bless all of our beloved friends for their efforts and continued support of the ministry.

Okumu Stephen

Principal Director


Rent                                   1600000
Volunteers                        1093000
TV subscription                 286,000
Water                                 162,000
Electricity                           955,000
Food                                    178,000
Evangelism                           20,000
School fees                       1287000
Internet                               590,000
Postage                                299,000
Poultry                                 177,000
Transport                            240,000
Stationary                             30,000
Child emergency case       450,000
Pig donation                       144,000

Total Expenses: 7,511,500UGX (US $2086)

Local Donations: (US $1568)
Foreign Donations (US $518)

Grand Total: (US $2086)