Monday, October 29, 2018

Update on my first 3 weeks back in America from Africa

I arrived safely on October 3rd and saw the doctor October 5th to start the investigation to why my health has deteriorated in the past 9 months. Bloodwork, Ultrasound, CT Scans and a Dexa scan over the past 3 weeks and an emergency room visit with more blood work and an ultrasound has revealed that its my Gallbladder and as of today there are stones that are causing Biliary Colic, a fancy name for 'darn that hurts in my belly'

 I am still very swollen and the pain is worse everyday. The tests in the ER didn't show it acute enough to warrant an emergency surgery but they said it needs to come out. So they referred me to a GI specialist and as soon as I can get in to see him I will hopefully set up a date SOON for gallbladder removal. The liver is still swollen and painful but it should settle down after surgery. In the meantime I am to eat lightly and take Zofran for nausea and vomiting.

Thank you to all who have been praying for me. God hears every prayer! Otherwise I am happy to be back in civilization for a bit. Never take for granted infrastructure and eletricity and clean drinking water. I am happy to be where I hear English spoken mostly. I love seeing all the new cars on the road. It was the first thing I noticed. When did everyone get a new car? And why does a Lexus SUV look exactly like a Kia SUV? lol I am most thrilled with wifi everywhere you go. When I left 4 years ago it was only in a few fast food restaurants. Love. It. Yay!

The only bad thing I see is that Americans are fighting too much over politics. Family members won't speak to one another and old friends have been unfriended. When I look over here from 10,000 miles away I still see America as great as it ever was. Let's not hate our neighbor or brother or mother over political differences. Let's love one another as Christ loves us. Then let's focus on making the whole world great too!


  1. All our prayer Cheryl to you may GOd's work manifest more in your life mainly healing

  2. Praying for a fast recover, Cheryl.

  3. Praying for a fast recover, Cheryl.

  4. I feel your pain. I suffered like you with mine.Hope they get it out very soon. Praying for a quick recovery so you can be with your husband soon. Until then enjoy your family. And kitty love.
