Saturday, August 12, 2017

Quarterly Report for April-June 2017

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Quarterly Report for April-June 2017

Greetings once again to all our members, supporters and board members of MMOCI. Here are the activities, challenges, and way forward for the 3 months of April, May and June of 2017.


 In the month of April we were given an opportunity to minister during Easter to the congregation of Kitodha Pentecostal church in Bugiri, Uganda. 

Kitodha Pentecostal Church Bugiri, Uganda

In the same period of time we also ministered to orphans in Jinja, Uganda. They were happy to receive the message of God. Laundry soap was donated to the women caring for orphans at their community home.

Bridge of Hope Child Care Ministries Jinja, Uganda

A bit later we also ministered in Mityana Pentecostal Church. The message was well-received by the members in attendance.

In the month of May 2107, we were able to distribute some gospel tracts to students at Future Day and Boarding School in Bulenga, Uganda.  They were excited to read the message. We prayed and shared the Word of God with them at their school.

Future Day and Boarding School Bulenga, Uganda


Through our supporters from the UK and US we have been able to continue paying fees for the children both in Mityana and Soroti District respectively.


Through our continued support from Mick in the UK, we have managed to plaster a storage room and one large room of the poultry house. We hope to begin this long awaited project in the month of October2017 with as many chickens as we can and have saved for this far.  We are excited to be close to starting and would like to thank Mick Tulk for his continued prayers and support over these past years.

                                           Two rooms were plastered inside the poultry house
                                   The largest room of four finished and the Store Room (bottom)


We were informed by many poultry farmers that buying chicken feed was one of the major challenges in successfully managing a chicken project.  In response to this information we decided to commission families within Asuret Sub-county Soroti to grow maize for the project. 

Maize planted in June


We have continued receiving gifts for kids from our UK volunteer Jill. Three children received scholastic materials and other gifts in the last quarter.

Opio John's uncle James receiving gift as Opio was away at school


Lack of enough funds
In that quarter there was drought affecting agriculture in the areas where maize was planted for the project. 


Continue reaching out to more children
Keep networking
Continue fund-raising for the poultry project
Keep praying for each other


We thank everyone who continues to support our ministry. May the Almighty God bless you!

Principal Director
Okumu Stephen


Education           1310000 (UGX)
Rent                     1050000
Poultry                 1010000
Electricity             430,000
Water                     27,000
Internet                450,000
Evangelism            40,000
Food                      115,000
Stationary              57,500
Scholastic               20,000
Volunteers           480,000
Television             210,000
Transport                20,000
Communication    130,000
Agriculture            241,000

Grand Total:  5,590,500 UGX   ($1575 US)

Local Donations    $935 US   

Foreign Donations $640 US   = ($1575 US)

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