Sunday, April 2, 2017

Chip in for a Chick- Many Mansions of Christ Intl. 2017 fundraiser

Greetings from Uganda!                                                  April 2, 2017
We hope you are well and 2017 has been good so far. We are okay here in Africa though drought has affected many of our friends and family. Most people here are subsistence farmers and with crops dried out before harvest time, words like ‘food insecurity’ and ‘starvation’ dominate the news.
We are here to help those we can and have been doing so since 2013. Even when someone comes to our door hungry, we give from our own stock; usually fresh produce, rice, beans, pasta, or some small money but these days the numbers are increasing. People were already poor.
We have posted a brochure about a fundraiser we are holding for the completion of our income-generating project. We began this ministry project in 2013 and are close to making it operational. We have saved and sacrificed to slowly get this far but now due to the severity of the situation we are doing something we’ve never done before……..asking for your assistance.
We know times are tough for most right now. We have not made it our practice to ask for anything and we are humbled completely when someone gives us a donation of any amount.  If you feel it on your heart to help us, know that our goal for the ministry is to be self-sufficient and quickly able to respond to the needs of as many as we can; here in Uganda and one day around the world.
Thank you for your time, interest and consideration. We offer an invitation to any of you to come visit us in Uganda and have a fascinating experience!

Love, Cheryl and Stephen 

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