Saturday, February 4, 2017

Quarterly report for October-December 2016

Greetings to all our members, board members, volunteers and all the well- wishers. This is a report from October to December 2016. This includes the activities, challenges and way forward.

-Our first university-level sponsored student graduated.
- Two of our Primary-level kids sat for their P.L.E. exams.
- We successfully renewed our Operation Permit for Mityana Municipality.



We attended the Speech Day Namamonde village in Mityana Municipality. The children entertained the audience and we passed the message of God to them and their parents present at the function.

Director Okumu Stephen speaking a message about HIV/AIDS awareness.

Students performing

Students dancing for the visitors

School director Mubiru Micheal

One of our sponsored students Isaac was able to successfully graduate from Busitema University, Uganda with a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Science. Two of our Primary-level sponsored pupils Crispus and Sharon also finally sat for their Primary Leaving Examination (P.L.E.) and are now awaiting their results.  Our other sponsored primary level kids finished the year successfully and are now enjoying a well deserved break until Feb. 2017.

We have continued saving the donated funds for the poultry house roof. We postponed the date for traveling to the village from January to February 2017 due to a shortage of funds to meet the building and materials bid.  We want to thank Micheal Tulk again for his continued support of this project.

We received some donations from the U.S. to provide food and gifts to some families in Mityana and Asuret Sub-county. We distributed these items to needy families and shared the love of God.
Giving donated gifts to local children
Giving rice and meat to needy families

Our volunteers have continued sending packages in the mail for the children; especially in Mityana and Soroti districts respectively. Many children are excited to receive gifts of backpacks, pens, other scholastic materials, toys, whistles, clothes, shoes, sweets and more. Some volunteers from U.K. have helped with school fees for some children. We hope to partner with them in the new year to continue supporting them through 2017. There are still many more who need help with school fees and supplies and we call upon those who are interested in changing the life of a child to join us in this cause.  We thank our volunteer Carla Ann Diliberti for her dedication in rehabilitating malnourished children in Mityana.

Donated gifts from USA
Carla's clan

Faith and her dad receiving gifts from Ireland

Godfrey receiving his gift from Jill in U.K.

Patricia receiving her lovely gifts from Jill in U.K. 

-We still need more sponsors for school fees for the children.
-We will still need funds to buy chickens after finishing the building, pay the workers for the start, chicken feed, employee training, veterinary costs, transportation costs, etc.
-We are yet to know the Soroti District work permit for the poultry project.
-Rent is still expensive.
-Lack of reliable transportation is still a problem for the ministry.

-Continue networking with friends locally and abroad.
-We will have a fundraising period starting on Facebook and Whatsapp to raise awareness and support for the start-up costs for the poultry project. We call on all our family and friends to “Chip in for a Chick”.
-We will renew the Soroti operation permit in February 2017.
We really want to thank all those who have contributed to the children through praying for, sending packages and paying school fees.  Special thanks goes to our friend Mick who has focused on making sure the poultry building stands. We have you all in our hearts and may God bless you!

Okumu Stephen

Principal Director

Rent                     1,050,000 ugx
Entertainment       167,500 ugx
Water                      126,000 ugx
Electricity                450,000 ugx
Volunteer               450,000 ugx
Fees                      1,140,000 ugx
Permit                       40,000 ugx
Postage                     65,000 ugx
Christmas               110,000 ugx
Stationary                12,000 ugx
Evangelism              30,000 ugx
Poultry                           NIL
GRAND TOTAL: 3, 640,500 ugx   ($1,040 US)

Foreign Donation ($726 US)  Local Donation ($313 US)   TOTAL- $1039

RESERVED FOR POULTRY 3, 100,000 ($1,114 US)

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