Tuesday, August 9, 2016

MMOCI Quarterly Report for April-June 2016

Quarterly Report for April-June 2016

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. This has been a blessed and difficult quarter but all-in- all the Lord has been good to us and to the ministry. Philippians 4:19 says that “And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in heaven”.  In this report we have noted down the exciting things in the quarter, the activities, challenges and the way forward.


-A new beneficiary called Faith Ssozi started receiving help for school.
-A beneficiary we have supported for the past 3 years at University completed his courses and will       graduate.
-We finally received our renewal Operation Permit certificate from Mityana District.
-MMOCI offices were moved to a new home on Mubendi Rd.


Evangelizing children has continued with children attending every first Saturday of the month for Bible Study Classes. They share in learning the Bible and dancing for the Lord.


Educational support has continued. Our student in Busitema University completed his studies and will be graduating in October. Thanks for the efforts of all who contributed to his success. Our U.K. supporter Vanda, through the assistance of Jill, has continued helping and contributing to the education of vulnerable children here. Mel, another ongoing U.K. volunteer, started helping another student named Faith Ssozi.  Brother in Christ Ministry has continued to assist 2 local Mityana students with school fees and supplies. At the moment, MMOCI, through its partners, are supporting a total of 11 students ranging from University to Secondary to Primary.  There are still more children on our waiting list for sponsors.  Those who feel moved to help should not hesitate to contact us.
 New beneficiary Faith   

David with school supplies

Gloria and Asumpta with donated school supplies


We have continued receiving contributions from Mick in U.K. for the poultry house building. We have saved the funds until Mid-January 2017 when we will travel to Soroti to complete roofing and other construction needs.  The savings have reached the half-way mark towards completing the building. We thank God for this blessing.  We have considered naming the poultry project ‘MMOCI MICK CHICKS’ in honor of our biggest supporter of the project.


Our volunteers in Soroti and Mityana Districts are still helping us, especially with distributing shoebox gifts that are sent by Jill from U.K.  We do appreciate their efforts and the kids are so happy receiving them.  Our U.S. volunteers also continue to help with mailing and personal support. Our resident working volunteer Carla continues to assist 10 vulnerable children in the area with medical and nutritional support.  MMOCI resident supporter Cheryl donated a bed frame to a local orphanage.


-Some sponsors who have chosen children to support are not consistent from one school term to the next leaving some kids to be sent home.
-The new MMOCI offices are located on a busy highway and we have suspended future Bible Studies until safe transportation can be found.
-There are still many vulnerable children on our waiting list for school support.


-MMOCI will devise new ways to reach out for evangelism of children, possibly through structured school ministry programs involving Biblical topics.
-Network with more friends, members and partners in development of the organization especially in reaching out to vulnerable children.
-Keep saving funds for the poultry house.
We applaud all of those who have continued supporting the ministry in the last quarter. May God bless you all!

Okumu Stephen


Rent                             1050000
Electricity                      293000
Water                             108800
Entertainment                102000
Internet                          450000
Evangelism                      40000
NGO registration           100000
Volunteers                      470000
Stationary                         23000
Transport                        200000
Scholastic                       550000
Education                       900000
Mailing                            30000
TOTAL                                                          4316800    ($1,289)
LOCAL DONATIONS                                  2923800      ($873)      
FOREIGN DONATIONS                             1393000      ($416)
RESERVED FOR POULTRY                        2000000      ($597)

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