Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Christmas Party 2014 Mityana Uganda

Hello friends and supporters! I arrived back in Uganda on December 4, 2014. I left behind 6 FEET of snow in Western N.Y. and entered into the "dry season" (a.k.a. the HOT season) here in Uganda. If forced to take the lessor of two evils I choose the latter any day! lol

Many Mansions of Christ International ended the year 2014 on a happy note and entered into 2015 with great expectations for a wonderful new year! We sincerely thank everyone who helped us put smiles on the faces of kids and families here in Uganda last year and humbly pray for on-going assistance in the coming year ahead. 

We hosted our 2014 Kid's Christmas Party at our home office in Mityana. Many children and some of their families attended. We had a fun day with games, food, Bible reading, entertainment and SWEETS! It was a day to remember and cherish..........

God bless everyone who attended! 

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