Wednesday, January 15, 2014

MMOCI End of year-2013-Final report


Dear  Friends,

Thank the lord God for protecting you from 2013 to 2014.

This report contains the activities done in the year 2013, the challenges and the future plans.


In the month of June, MMOCI members conducted a meeting in which the organization was officially formulated together with the constitution.
Board members were also elected and registration as an NGO commenced. Various local leaders were consulted and they recommended MMOCI for registration.

In July a needs assesment was carried out around Mityana Town council and in Soroti. We realised there were so many kids who were not reached by both the government and other NGOs. We first identified about five children to start with. Some had health complications, some abandoned and some in absolute poverty.Their profiles were documented and attached to MMOCI website and linked to MMOCI facebook page for potential financial sponsors.

In August two houses were rented, one for the crisis centre and the other for the office/residential dwelling for MMOCI  Directors.
The crisis centre house until now was used short-term by vulnerable youth who may have had no where otherwise to sleep.

In September 2013 MMOCI board received Cheryl Derby, funding partner and co-director of MMOCI from the United States. During her time she contributed alot to the advancement of the organizaton. She was able to meet the board and the volunteers, met suffering children and helped them financially and spiritually, helped with paper work and especially with creating the website and facebook page. Even though she was let down many times with her health, she was very strong and bold to complete her objectives here.

October was a month of business and alot was achieved. The beds and cribs were purchased for the crisis centre, water drums were also purchased and food and supplies for the centre. We also repaired a bicycle for transport purposes.
On the 9th October, we celebrated Uganda Independence Day together with Cheryl Derby, the board members and other youth. In mid October we also visited various schools to evangelise children and also made visits in some homes with vulnerable children.

Bible studies were also started in the month of October. Children still convene every Saturday at the MMOCI offices for Bible learning.

We also contributed partial tuition fees to a vulnerable student in Busitema University and again at the end of October is when we initated a program of feeding some hungry kids and youth who visited the MMOCI centre  weekly.

November is when we completed all the government requirements and successfully filed our papers with the NGO Board for the certificate of registration as an international NGO.

In early December, MMOCI partner and Co Director Cheryl Derby was in preparations to travel back to the States and she left Uganda on the 9th December 2013.

On December 21st, MMOCI held a Kid's Christmas party and it was attended by over 23 children. They were fed, entertained and evangelised.


Transport was and is still a challenge, we dont have any car to take us around for the ministry.
Sickness let us down too especially Cheryl Derby who was down many times
Lack of funds; in total we received around $800 for the year and yet we had alot to do.


We really need around $3000 to initiate income generating projects like poultry and livestock projects so that we can boost up the organization and fund our own activities. Also for transportation in 2014.

We can generate around $10,000 annually from the above mentioned projects. Therefore we call upon support from any partners, friends, or well wishers to contribute something small to this start up capital. Remember, anything can do something, including $5 or $10! Profits from income-generating projects will go toward improving the lives of these suffering children with education fees, accomodation, clothing and food. It will also help cover and maintain administrative costs like housing and necessities of staff and volunteers.

2013 was the year of MMOCI birth and hence alot was achieved alongside a few challenges. I'd like to take this opportunity to appreciate all those who donated at least something to help the organization take a step forward. May God bless Brian Derby and his family, Michelle, Nanette, Rick, Marcia and Colleen for their gifts. Also God bless and thanks to those who were willing to give their time for the organization in any way they did. We also thank all those who gave us 825 likes on Facebook! Your 'like' is a voice to a suffering child and if each member contributed just $5, can you imagine that it would be more than $4000!

God bless you all and welcome to 2014!

Okumu Stephen

Co Director  MMOCI

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