Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10/22/13 Late post for September 28, 2013

David Jr. (HIV positive child)
 On Saturday September 28th Stephen and I visited a friend named David who is blind and has HIV/AIDS. He is not disabled though, by any means. This man is raising 4 children, one with HIV/AIDS, and has a sustainable income raising pigs and chickens. He does most of the work caring for the animals and working around his compound. One year ago when he was first becoming blind, he took his kids to a local orphanage to see if they could be taken care of there due to his circumstance. But he kept his kids and to see the whole family thriving and happy touches my heart greatly. I see a family unit that survived adversity and then on top of that is succeeding. He is a loving father and the kids are happy. THAT is how I wish every Ugandan story ended. Not that the children were displaced from the parent into an orphanage but the parent supported through charitable efforts to keep the family unit together! There is a charity that provided the animals and pens and two out of four of his children are sponsored for school fees."Thank You God for a happy ending! Bless this family!" (The children attend our weekly Bible study in our home every Saturday) If anyone is interested in helping this man and his kids (sponsoring the other two for school fees or any other donations), please contact us through our Facebook page or website. https://www.facebook.com/manymansionsofchristinternational or http://manymansions11.wix.com/many-mansions-11 and tell us you want to help David and his kids. We will make sure your donation goes directly to him!

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