Monday, January 6, 2020



Greetings to all our friends; we welcome you to 2020. This is our annual report from January to December 2019.

  1.  Moved to the home district [Soroti]
  2.  Supported the elderly
  3.  New partners and volunteers



In July 2019 and October 2019 we ministered to the children gathered to receive clothes and also to the candidates sitting their final exams in primary seven in Orimai Otatai Acetgwen, Omulala and Victory primary school. In total we ministered the word of God to about 300 children.


We have continued supporting children with school fees both in Soroti and in Mityana District.  Three of the children that we have been supporting sat for primary seven class exams and excelled well in the subjects. Sarah has also completed her course in plumbing and we thank God for their lives.
We thank Mel for supporting them but I also would like to ask anybody who has a heart for children and education to support children who are vulnerable.
We have also identified other children who are either orphans, vulnerable or those who are in absolute poverty and would like to call upon our well wishers with a big heart to give a hand. Both students below still need committed donors as well as SO MANY MORE.

                                                 Angel Victor Okurut   Starting Senior 1

                                                  Anna Grace Asio Starting Senior 2

Clothing Give Away:

In the month of August 2019 MMOCI ministry distributed clothes and other scholastic material (books) to about two hundred children [200 children], women and men. The items were donated to us by Jillian from the UK. Many clothes were given away even before this day. May the Almighty God reward her.



Food Give Away:

MMOCI ministry in partnership with Debbie from UK distributed food and chickens to 20 vulnerable and poor homes. We thank God for Debbie who has enabled these families to put food on their plates. We also assisted the poor elderly with food and cash donations helped by Mick and Neil. More donors are always welcome!



Christmas Gifts for kids: 

Special thanks To Jillian and Hazel from UK who sent gifts to children in the village for Christmas and two boys in town who Jillian chose to receive special gifts this year.

                                                    Isaac, lives with his single mom
                                              Abraham, taken in off the streets by a kind woman




 Poultry Project:

The MMOCI income-generating project was resumed again in July 2019 with three hundred sixty chicks [360 chicks]. We need to start again and we thank friends like Mick, Brian, Neil, Joan, Mary and Alycie for the hand and effort they put in to enable us to start and feed the chickens through until they were taken to market.




                                             Vaccinations being given (eye drops)




       Poultry house improvements thanks to donations:  The 3rd room was plastered, a new papyrus fence, and the solar upgraded:


                                                           Supplies purchased

 Elderly Assistance:

We felt on our hearts to start assisting the elderly as they are often an unrepresented group here. We started identifying those most in need and provided clothing, food and cash with donations given on their behalf from well-wishers from abroad and our own personal funds. We need more people dedicated to helping these vulnerable elderly adults.  They lack everything from clothing to proper nutrition to beds/ living spaces to medical care.



 Volunteers and Partners:

We would like to thank our partners from the UK, US and Uganda who have continued to support our organization. We sincerely thank you for your trust and continued support. We couldn’t do any of this without you. You allow us to keep going and help others.  We wish you a happy and prosperous new year.


  1.  Our children successfully sat grade seven exams and performed well. They join secondary high school in 2020.
  2.  We resumed the poultry project in July 2019.
  3.  Distributed clothes, gifts and scholastic materials to more than two hundred people [200 people]
  4.  Evangelized to more than three hundred children.
  5.  Successfully moved to Soroti.
  6.  Distributed food to twenty families [20 families]
  7.  We were happy to be joined by Mary, Alycie and Tracy.
  8.  An increase in donations.
  9.  We got a bicycle. (thanks Mick)   



  1.  Challenge to find the right breed of chicks. Many chicken agents sell defective breed of birds. We lost about eighty of our chicks as a result.
  2.  Very many vulnerable children need school fees sponsorship.
  3.  Need to expand and properly fence the poultry building.
  4.  Lack of effective means of transport.
  5.  Shortage of funds.

Way Forward 2020:
  1.  More strategic planning.
  2.  Trusting God
  3.  Renew NGO and register as CBO
  4.  Continue with discipleship
  5.  More networking.

 We applaud our UK, US and other ministries including churches and individuals for working together with us to achieve and accomplish many activities. Your efforts were not in vain.

God bless you.

Principal Director


Education     1615000
Rent               6000000
Poultry          5930000
Electricity     3120000
Internet         1080000
Water            1584000
Evangelism       50000
Food                 537265
Volunteers     3000000
Phone calls        50000
Postage            100000
Bank charges  200000
Stationary       150000
Scholastic        150000
Transport          804000
Utensils              450000
Elderly             150000
Medical              330000
Grand Total    2,530,0265 ugx     $7229 US  (5,511 GBP)

Local Donations     $2488 US
Foreign Donations   $4741 US

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