Sunday, November 6, 2016

MMOCI Quarterly report for July-September 2016

Quarterly report for July-September 2016

Greetings to all our members and Board Members.  It’s again a blessing to share with you what has transpired in the past 3 months. This report includes the activities, challenges and the way forward.

We reached out to Alliance Secondary School in Kabule, Mityana District and communicated to the teenagers about God-fearing, Christian living and moral values.  Specifically about the dangers of premature sexual relations at their age.  We were joined with Voyagers to Africa Director Carla Di Liberti and her son and a Biblical aspect to the topic was presented. Many Mansions of Christ Intl. was given a Sunday at Mityana Pentecostal Church and Stephen preached a message about “What God remembers that we often forget”.  The message was taken well by the members and the youth present at the moment.


We have continued supporting the children with school fees. Many of the children we support will be sitting for their final exams this year. Among them Crispus and Sharon in Primary 7, Sarah in Senior 6 and Isaac who is finalizing his course in Busitema University.  Keep them in your prayers for God to give them success in their final exams.

We have continued to save the money for  'MMOCI Mick Chicks Poultry Project' and the savings are now more than half way for the roofing. May God bless Mick Tulk for his continued efforts in seeing this dream come true.

Many of our volunteers in the U.S. and U.K. are continuing to do an amazing job eg, Brian assisted us with  a 3-month rent payment for October, November and December. Mel has continued supporting three children for school fees. Vanda also contributed for school fees. And Jill has continued sending shoe box gifts for the kids which contain clothing, toys, academic materials, sweets, etc.  May God reward all of our volunteers and may they continue helping us.


-We still need more sponsors for school fees in the next term. 
-Our Mityana and Soroti Operation permits are due for renewal.
-We need more financial support to carry out general activities of the organization.

-Reach out to more children.
-Apply for the Operation permits.
-Keep mobilizing resources for the operation of the organization.

We applaud all of those who have supported us in the last quarter. Be blessed!


Okumu Stephen


Education- 600000 ugx
Rent- 1050000 ugx
Electricity-530000 ugx
Water-130000 ugx
Internet-344800 ugx
Evanglism-50000 ugx
Volunteers-450000 ugx
Scholastic-300000 ugx
Entertainment-105000 ugx
Stationary-15000 ugx

TOTAL    3574800 ugz ($1,051 US)

Local Donations $390 US               Foreign $661 US          Total-$1051 US