Monday, April 18, 2016

M.M.O.C.I. Year-End Annual Report for Financial Year March 2015-March 2016

                     ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2015-2016

To All Members and Board Members,

Greetings to all our members, board members and volunteers. This is our end of financial year report for the financial year stated above. We as MMOCI were able to achieve much and at the same time many challenges have continued to hinder the smooth running of the organization.

1.       We registered for a CBO in Asuret Sub-county, Soroti District in October 2015.
2.       We were able to renew our NGO certificate for the next 36 months.
3.       Jill and her team from The U.K. sent shoebox gifts by mail for the children.
4.       Mel from the U.K. supported a few children in Mityana and Soroti Districts with school fees.
5.       Mick continued to support the on-going construction of the poultry house and this time he committed to sending funds routinely.

1.       Evangelism- MMOCI has continued to evangelize children especially every first Saturday of the month. We teach them the Bible, Gospel music and dancing. We also continued with Adult Bible Study Classes every second Saturday of the month. On August 2, 2015 MMOCI was offered a Sunday in Mityana Pentecostal Church. The children were blessed to perform in front of the other children and the church congregation. Again, on December 6, 2015 MMOCI was given the same offer and the children excelled in church with dance and music.  On September 25, 2015 members visited Golden Stars Academy in Mityana and taught the Word of God to the children. Our volunteer Kawuma Fred taught the children and Gospel tracts were distributed to the kids who desired them.

                               (Children’s Bible Study at MMOCI office)

      (MMOCI Children performing at Mityana Pentecostal Church in August 2015)

                  (Children and volunteers performing at church in December 2015)

                                            (MMOCI kids and volunteer staff)

                  (Volunteer Kawuma Fred during school outreach ministry at Golden Stars Academy)

2.       Educational Assistance-In total MMOCI now sponsors 11 children for school fees. One who is completing University level this May, two in Secondary Level and 8 in Primary Level. Brother in Christ Ministries from the U.S. has continued to support 2 children in Mityana with school fees through MMOCI organization. The rest are supported by Jill and Mel and the U.K. team together with MMOCI Board. We still have a long list of children who need sponsorship for school and we call upon those who are committed to change lives of destitute children in the Ugandan community. Many shoebox gifts that the children received had in them scholastic materials like books, pens, markers, crayons, chalk, and even reading books.

                            (Lucky and David, two of our kids sponsored for school fees)

3.       Poultry Project-The construction of the poultry house is taking a little bit longer than expected. Due to the size a lot of money is required to complete the roof. MMOCI team paid a visit to the Soroti construction site in May and September 2015 to monitor the progress. As we speak the Gables are already built on the walls and what is left now is roofing materials which will cost $1700U.S.  Mick donated another 100 Pounds in February 2016 and it is currently in savings to add to future donations towards the project.

Poultry house in May 2015)  


(Poultry house September 2015)

4.        Volunteers- U.K. volunteers made Christmas 2015 wonderful for some of the children. They sent shoebox gifts for them which were distributed in Soroti and Mityana Districts. In the month of September 2015 we were able to provide one of the youth volunteers, Mr. Kalule John Bosco and bicycle for transport and income generating activities. Three volunteers from Soroti, namely John Francis Etyeku, Alameth Brian and Emadu James, have been assisting us in conducting services on behalf of MMOCI. They distributed shoebox gifts, monitored the poultry house construction and registered CBO documents with Asuret sub-county. Mick, another U.K. volunteer and supporter donated 100 Pounds to one of our local youth business entrepreneurs to supplement his music recording business. Brian and Jessica from the U.S. have continued helping the organization, especially through donations and assisting in mailing supplies. Charlene Romanov donated cash monthly for the entire year.  Our resident volunteer Carla DiLiberti now fosters 7 Ugandan children in her home.  Many of which were destitute but she has been able to feed them, treat them medically and improve the quality of their lives dramatically. She continues to work along with MMOCI in Mityana District.

                                         (Gift receiving her shoebox gift from a U.K. donor)

                                                                         (Soroti Kid)    


                                      (Maxwell receiving gift for his recording business)

                                   (Some of the kids being fostered by resident volunteer Carla)

5.       Board Meeting-MMOCI board members held a meeting on the 28th March, 2016 and discussed a variety of issues, especially securing mobilization of resources, restructuring the board, banking and other issues. All the board members attended in person.
6.       Christmas Party-MMOCI in partnership with God Cares for Kids Ministries and Brother in Christ Ministries held the annual Christmas party. Children and their families enjoyed a meal, sodas, sweets, dancing and games with prizes.  Many of who would not otherwise have had a good Christmas. 

                                                     (Children’s Christmas Party 2015)

1.       Expensive rental costs and limited space to operate the organizational and ministerial activities.
2.        Some sponsors choose children and pay fees for them in the first term of the year and abandon them in the remaining terms of the year.
3.       Construction of the Poultry Project has lingered longer than the expected date of completion.
4.       A critical planned visit by Neil Martin, the leader of our partner Brother in Christ and his team was cancelled indefinitely due to sudden illness.
5.       We are still in an on-going process to renew our Operation Certificate in Mityana District.

1.       We were able to renew our permit to operate as an NGO in Uganda for 36 more months and also register as a new CBO in Asuret sub county, Soroti District.
2.       Poultry house construction has progressed to greater than 70 percent completion.
3.       The number of children being sponsored for school fees has increased from 5 to 11.
4.       We have continued to evangelize children through Bible Studies, music, games and distribution of Gospel tracts.
5.       Distribution of basic need materials to vulnerable children especially in the forms of clothing, shoes, scholastic materials and food.
6.       Foreign donations have increased from $1590 to $2,775.

1.       The organization will be shifting the premises to a less expensive rental property which will save around $50 U.S. per month.
2.       Keep trying to mobilize resources/fundraise for the completion of the poultry house.
3.       Keep networking and mobilizing more volunteers/donors to support MMOCI.
4.       Reach out to more children in schools, orphanages, churches and other institutions through evangelism.
Heartfelt thanks goes to our supporters, volunteers and friends for helping us this past year and we look forward to the coming year ahead with your continued support. Your efforts are appreciated so much. May God bless you abundantly.



                     2015-2016 End of Year Financial Report
Education      2, 964000
Rent               6,000,000
Poultry           4, 294,500
Electricity      1, 009,000
Water                 301,000
Internet           1,325,000
Evangelism        351,000
NGO permit       700,000
Food                     45,000
Stationary             50,000
Transport            340,000
Scholastic           782,500
Volunteers       1,465,000
Repairs               230,000
Postage               170,000
Total:  20,027,000 ugx   ($6162)   
 Local Donations   ($3,387)     Foreign Donations   ($2,775)