Friday, November 6, 2015

Many Mansions of Christ Intl. Uganda Quarterly report for July-September 2015

TELEPHONE: +256776551180

Greetings to all the members, supporters and the board members.
This report is for the 3rd quarter of the year 2015 and talks about what’s new in the quarter, activities within the quarter, the challenges, way forward and the financial statement.

-We were able to receive donations from abroad for school fees for 4 children the month of August.
-The poultry house was able to be raised to the roof level.
-Our U.K. team led by Jill mobilized people to donate clothing and other items to the children here.   She herself put many smiles on the kids’ faces with her own donations as well.
-We welcome a new friend/fundraiser/supporter from U.S.- Shamika Livingston.


1.       EVANGELISM:
Our organization has continued evangelizing children especially every first Saturday of the month with Children’s Bible Study day. We teach them the Bible and also enjoy music and dancing.

On August 2, 2015 MMOCI was offered a Sunday in Mityana Pentecostal Church. The children were blessed to perform before other children and the church congregation. Our adult members performed as well and gave the sermon.

On September 25, 2015 members visited Golden Stars Academy School in Mityana, Uganda and evangelized the children.  A Christian lesson was given to the children by our volunteer Kawuma Fred and Bible tracts were given out to those who desired them.


Together with Brother in Christ Ministry, MMOCI has continued paying fees for the vulnerable children in Mityana.
Our partners from U.K. through Jill and Mel were able to pay fees for more four children in our organization, two from Mityana and two from Soroti and one from Kampala Uganda. Another vulnerable girl called Asumpta in Mityana was assisted with term fees since the mother was homeless, jobless and sick.

a letter of thanks to one of the donors of school fees


MMOCI members paid a visit to Soroti, Eastern Uganda in the month of September 2015. The donations from Mick our U.K. supporter was used to buy supplies and pay workers to take the building to the beam level.  We thank Mick and any other person who contributed toward the building! The next phase is the roof and we are praying to cover the estimate of $1700 given by the contractor. This includes materials and labor.

4.       VOLUNTEERS:

U.K. volunteers supported us with clothes which were distributed to needy children in Mityana and Soroti Districts. Jill and the team will be providing this support year round.

In the month of September 2015 we were able to provide one of our youth volunteers with a Bicycle for income generation and ministry work.

The following remain challenges;
1.       Funds are still lacking for the completion of the poultry project.
2.       Rental expenses remain high
3.       Limited space for children’s outreaches
4.       Neil Martin who sponsors two of the children in Mityana fell sick and was hospitalized. He and his team were scheduled to come to Uganda in November and meet more vulnerable children but their trip was cancelled until further notice

1.       Register MMOCI as a Community Based Organization in Mityana and Soroti Districts
2.       Enroll more volunteers
3.       Keep networking
4.       Mobilize support for Christmas packages for the children
Our appreciation goes to Brother in Christ Ministry, Mick Tulk, Brian Derby Painting, Charlene, Jill, Mel and all our great U.K. children supporters! May the almighty God reward you for your continuous support!

God bless!

Okumu Stephen
Principal Director

(In Ugandan shillings)
Rent-             1,500,000
Poultry-        1,500,000
Electricity-       212,000
Water-             117,000
Internet-          420,000
Evangelism-    175,000
NGO Reg-        100,000
Volunteers-    640,000
Stationary-        35,000
Transport-       190,000
Scholastic-       120,000

(In U.S. dollars)

Grand Total: 6,342,000   ($1,762)