Tuesday, December 1, 2015

2015 Kid's Christmas Party budget

Many Mansions of Christ International and God Cares for Kids Ministries jointly wish to hold a grand Christmas party in December 2015 for some local children, youth and their families in Mityana District, Uganda. We are looking to either rent a space in the church or rent a tent and hold the event at the same place as last year at the MMOCI offices in Kiyinda. We are seeking donations to help us fund an amazing party! Thank you for your time in reviewing the needs listed. We hope you will consider joining us in making this day one to remember! God bless!

1.        Tent rental or church space rental                    70000ugx or $21 or 14 GBP
2.        Food:
Rice  12kg                      52500 or $15 or 10 GBP
Matooke 2 bunches    40000 or $12 or 8 GBP
Meat  10 kg                   90000 or $27 or 18 GBP
Irish potato                   10000 or $3 or 2 GBP
Gnut                                 5000 or $1.50 or 1 GBP
Cabbage                          3000 or $1 or .60
Tomato                            1000 or .30 or .20
Onions                             1000 or .30 or .20
Green peppers               1000 or .30 or .20
Cooking oil                      2500 or .75 or .50

3.        Soda   5 Crates                                                          100000 ugx or $30 or 20 GBP
4.        Chairs (transport if having party at office)          20000 ugx or $6 or 4 GBP

5.        Charcoal stoves (2)                                                   20000 ugx or $6 or 4 GBP

6.        Charcoal  1 bag                                                          15000 ugx or $4.50 or 3 GBP

7.        Plastic bowls (50)                                                      50000 ugx or $15 or 10 GBP

8.        Plastic forks (2 bags of 50)                                      20000 ugx or $6 or 4 GBP

9.        Prizes for games (3 or 4)                                         5000 ugx or $1.50 or 1 GBP

10.     Decorations                                                               50000 ugx or $15 or 10 GBP

11.     Sweets                                                                        10000 ugx or $3 or 2 GBP

12.     Music system/DJ                                                     100000 ugx or $30 or 20 GBP

13.     Cooks (4)                                                                    40000 ugx or $12 or 8 GBP

14.     Misc.                                                                           50000 ugx or $15 or 10 GBP

Total:                                                                                          756000 ugx or $226 or 150 GBP

We humbly and gratefully accept Western Union and Money Gram as they are the safest and fastest means to donate to Africa. Receiver info: Stephen Okumu. Mityana, Uganda. We will need the reference number for Money Gram, amount and sender name or the MTCN number, amount and sender for Western Union. Also for Western Union you need to create a question/answer. We will need to know both the question and the answer exactly as written plus mtcn, sender name and amount.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Many Mansions of Christ Intl. Uganda Quarterly report for July-September 2015

TELEPHONE: +256776551180

Greetings to all the members, supporters and the board members.
This report is for the 3rd quarter of the year 2015 and talks about what’s new in the quarter, activities within the quarter, the challenges, way forward and the financial statement.

-We were able to receive donations from abroad for school fees for 4 children the month of August.
-The poultry house was able to be raised to the roof level.
-Our U.K. team led by Jill mobilized people to donate clothing and other items to the children here.   She herself put many smiles on the kids’ faces with her own donations as well.
-We welcome a new friend/fundraiser/supporter from U.S.- Shamika Livingston.


1.       EVANGELISM:
Our organization has continued evangelizing children especially every first Saturday of the month with Children’s Bible Study day. We teach them the Bible and also enjoy music and dancing.

On August 2, 2015 MMOCI was offered a Sunday in Mityana Pentecostal Church. The children were blessed to perform before other children and the church congregation. Our adult members performed as well and gave the sermon.

On September 25, 2015 members visited Golden Stars Academy School in Mityana, Uganda and evangelized the children.  A Christian lesson was given to the children by our volunteer Kawuma Fred and Bible tracts were given out to those who desired them.


Together with Brother in Christ Ministry, MMOCI has continued paying fees for the vulnerable children in Mityana.
Our partners from U.K. through Jill and Mel were able to pay fees for more four children in our organization, two from Mityana and two from Soroti and one from Kampala Uganda. Another vulnerable girl called Asumpta in Mityana was assisted with term fees since the mother was homeless, jobless and sick.

a letter of thanks to one of the donors of school fees


MMOCI members paid a visit to Soroti, Eastern Uganda in the month of September 2015. The donations from Mick our U.K. supporter was used to buy supplies and pay workers to take the building to the beam level.  We thank Mick and any other person who contributed toward the building! The next phase is the roof and we are praying to cover the estimate of $1700 given by the contractor. This includes materials and labor.

4.       VOLUNTEERS:

U.K. volunteers supported us with clothes which were distributed to needy children in Mityana and Soroti Districts. Jill and the team will be providing this support year round.

In the month of September 2015 we were able to provide one of our youth volunteers with a Bicycle for income generation and ministry work.

The following remain challenges;
1.       Funds are still lacking for the completion of the poultry project.
2.       Rental expenses remain high
3.       Limited space for children’s outreaches
4.       Neil Martin who sponsors two of the children in Mityana fell sick and was hospitalized. He and his team were scheduled to come to Uganda in November and meet more vulnerable children but their trip was cancelled until further notice

1.       Register MMOCI as a Community Based Organization in Mityana and Soroti Districts
2.       Enroll more volunteers
3.       Keep networking
4.       Mobilize support for Christmas packages for the children
Our appreciation goes to Brother in Christ Ministry, Mick Tulk, Brian Derby Painting, Charlene, Jill, Mel and all our great U.K. children supporters! May the almighty God reward you for your continuous support!

God bless!

Okumu Stephen
Principal Director

(In Ugandan shillings)
Rent-             1,500,000
Poultry-        1,500,000
Electricity-       212,000
Water-             117,000
Internet-          420,000
Evangelism-    175,000
NGO Reg-        100,000
Volunteers-    640,000
Stationary-        35,000
Transport-       190,000
Scholastic-       120,000

(In U.S. dollars)

Grand Total: 6,342,000   ($1,762)

Sunday, August 9, 2015

MMOCI Quarterly report for April-July2015

TELEPHONE: +256776551180

Greetings to all the members, supporters and board members,

This is MMOCI report for the second quarter of the year 2015. In this report we have noted the activities of the organization done within the period, the challenges and the way forward.

What is new in this quarter?

We were able to apply for the renewal of the NGO permit and the certificate was granted for us for the next 36 months.

Our friend Mick continued to invest in his money into the poultry house building.

We also received a donation of $100 from Brian Derby Painting in New York for the poultry house.

Our new friend Charlene also started contributing $25 every month towards the poultry house.

Another new friend called Jill and her team started mobilizing support for the children in Uganda by donating mainly clothing to them but also some food and other items.


Evangelizing children

MMOCI members have continued evangelizing the children.  Those within Mityana town now come to the MMOCI office on the first Saturday of every month. These children participate in reading the Bible, praising and dancing for the Lord and fun fellowship. MMOCI in the month of May also reached to the nearby school to distribute Gospel Tracts and shared with them the word of God.


Educational assistance

In partnership with Brother in Christ ministry, we have continued to support the needy children with school fees, food, uniforms and scholastic materials. MMOCI itself supports a few children from Mityana and Soroti Districts with school fees and scholastic materials also. (Top- David, Middle-Chrispus, Below-Paul-given fees, materials, uniforms and food.)



Youth assistance

In this quarter, MMOCI, through our partner Mick, supported a youth in Mityana with some funds to invest in his music studio. Maxwell Kiggundu received close to $200 from Mick for the support and promotion of his music studio. He was so excited to receive such support and we thank Mick for having such a heart for the youth!


Poultry project

MMOCI has continued with building the poultry house, Mick donated around 491 pounds for the poultry building in the last quarter and we thank him for such a heart in making sure that the house comes to completion. We also received $100 from Brian Derby Painting for the building project. Charlene from the U.S. also offered to be donating at least $25 every month towards the building efforts. MMOCI board members in Uganda also donated $80 towards the building project. We do still need around $1700 to roof the house, work on the floor, purchase materials like doors and windows, and transportation of the items to the site far in the village.

We do thank all those who contributed, continue praying for us and mobilizing support for the completion. The wall of the building is at the peak now and in waiting for the Ring Beam to be laid before roofing starts. We are still waiting for the latest photo from the village and it will be posted soon. Progress has been good!

We travelled to Soroti in May 2015 to supervise the building of the house. The building was broken and then expanded so as to accommodate the potential needed number of chickens. We are hoping to travel again in September to supervise the building of the Ring Beam if funds are mobilized.

                                                 (Site of Poultry project in Soroti, Uganda)


We visited a school in April and carried out evangelism and at the same time distributed Gospel Tracts.

We also paid visits to some of the families that we provide support for; ones in Mityana and in Soroti. Food and clothes were distributed.




In the month of June, we recruited new volunteers from the U.K. into our organization. Jill is the new volunteer and will be fundraising from her friends for scholastic materials, gifts, fees and clothing for the children. Charlene is also a new member from the U.S. and she, her husband and their friend Judy will be contributing $25 monthly towards the poultry project.

(Gifts sent to kids from Jill in the U.K.!)

(Packages of food and clothing received for children from U.K and a very happy recipient family!)



Lack of enough funds to run the organization

Limited space for MMOCI activities. The house we rented is still small especially when we receive children for Bible studies every first Saturday of the month.
Lack of transport

Expensive rental cost

Lack of sponsorship for the children


Mobilize more funds for the poultry building

Keep networking

Enroll more volunteers

Special thanks go to www.brotherinchrist.com , Mick, Brian Derby Painting, Charlene, Jill and all the members for their tireless support in moving the organization and its objectives forward. May the almighty God reward you abundantly!

N.B. attached is the three month financial report

God bless!

Okumu Stephen
Principal Director

                                  FINANCIAL REPORT FOR APRIL-JULY 2015


Education       1664000

Rent               1500000

Poultry           2194500

Electricity       233000

Water             127000

Internet           305000

Evangelism    40000

Auditor           200000

NGO Permit   100000

Volunteers      120000

Food               45000

Stationary       15000

T/Port            150000

Scholastic    322500

Grand Total  6881000    ($2293 U.S.)

Donor Funds    $1605

Local   Funds    $688

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Many Mansions of Christ International- Quarterly report for September-December 2014

                              MANY MANSIONS OF CHRIST INTERNATIONAL                  


Greetings in Jesus name, we thank the Lord who protected all of you to the New Year 2015. We give the glory back to God. This is our last quarter report and the end of year report of MMOCI. We were able to make a tremendous achievement by the end of year 2014. There were some hindrances but we hope that God helps us overcome them as we move forward in ministry. This report contains the financial summary of the last four month’s activities within the four months challenges encountered and the way forward for the year 2015.


Rent                                             $715
Education                                     $563
Bills                                              $82.25
Transport and communication     $125
Bible Studies                                $71.4
CBO permit                                  $14.2
Volunteers                                    $178.5
poultry building project                 $425
Stationary                                     $17.8

Grand total                                   $2192

Foreign Donation                         $775
Local Donation                             $1417

According to our financial statement above, we have experienced a slight improvement on this new quarter. The last quarter brought us about $1535 and this new quarter brought $2192, a difference of about $657. The foreign donations increased from $380 to $775 a big achievement and we give glory back to God. Private/local donations increased from $1155 to $1417 and may God bless all those who contributed towards the cause.


What is new?

We received back our main supporter Cheryl Derby back from the USA and at the same time received our first foreign volunteer from USA called Carla. She now lives just close to our house and she has really been instrumental in advocating for the rights of the unprivileged children and also helping the single parents. At the moment Carla is now taking care of two abandoned children in her home and these children have experience love and kindness with her.


Carla with foster children



We also received news that our very own child Akullo Sarah that we have been supporting with part of the fees was able to pass her senior four leaving examination.  She was among the best in her lot and we give glory back to God. Sarah wants to continue with her education in advanced level and doing a science combination and we call upon all those who are willing to contribute to her cause. She wants to be a nurse in future.

Sarah (left and Cheryl


 In other important news, Etyeku John Francis Junior, one of the kids in our bible studies and on our list of needy kids on our website, was in primary five in 2014 but he was allowed to jump primary six and seven classes and sit for his primary leaving examination. He was checking his intelligence and was able to pass it by flying colors. Junior got 15 aggregates and now he is ready to join a secondary school. Sadly he is still at home without school fees to attend. We do still call upon everyone who has a heart to help Junior go further with his education.

Junior (left)

More great news is that our new volunteer Mr. Mick Tulk from the UK was able to mobilize for us some money from his friends in the UK. That helped us start building the poultry project in Soroti! May the almighty God bless him and we encourage everybody and those volunteers who are able to stand firm with us in raising this project. We have also had new volunteers like Brian from the US who is always praying for us and willing to stand with us whenever God provides for him. Thanks! Other volunteers are in Soroti and are helping us with the building of the poultry project and monitoring day to day progress. Mityana volunteers mainly help us with ministry especially in bible studies, outreaches, etc.

In the month of October 2014, we applied for a Community Based Operation permit with Mityana District local government and we were able to receive it within two weeks. This is in addition to our registration last year of our NGO.  Also this year in 2015 we will apply in Soroti District for a permit there so that we have the full authority when doing our operation within these two districts.


We have continued conducting bible studies every Saturday and more and more kids joined the Saturday school. Together we have been sharing with the kids the word of God. The number of kids attending the bible studies increased from 6 to around 20 every Saturday, we would love these kids to grow up respecting God!


MMOCI has continued in providing education assistance to both the children in Mityana and in Soroti. There are still many children on our sponsorship list that need our sponsorship. Average costs are around $150 every 3 months or $450 in a year. We do therefore call upon those who share the same vision with us in putting smiles on the faces of these lovely children and to stand with is in these programs. Those living outside Uganda can use Western Union money transfer or Money Gram to send support. It is the most effective way to receive money here as it is secure and part of our banking system.


MMOCI feeds both the children and the volunteers on Mondays and Thursdays. On the 27th of December, MMOCI organized a CHRISTMAS PARTY in partnership with Brother in Christ Ministry and Voyagers for Africa. In total 54 children were fed together with adults. It was a fun day!

Children lining up for sweets!


We are again happy to announce to you that we were able to take a step ahead in building our poultry house. Our partner Mick from the UK supported our poultry building project by donating some funds to it. We received 300 pounds from him in the months of October and November and put it into building the poultry house. We were able to start the building process and also made around 8000 bricks. We now await completion of the house and currently need some more funds to continue. We need supplies for building like sand, cement, timber, nails, iron sheets, aggregates and also to employ builders. We do believe that this poultry project will generate for our organization around $5400 on a monthly basis.


When completed it will employ people in the village and will also work as a demonstration farm to help educate the youth for participating in future income generating activities.



MMOCI has continued participating in outreaches, especially in reaching out to the children through Christian ministry. We visited some of the homes of the sponsored kids and ministered to them through prayers and providing them with some financial assistance when needed and Bible tracts. MMOCI also conducted school visits and children were ministered to.



Apart from the school ministry, MMOCI was able to distribute around 45 pieces of clothes in December. They were donated from the U.S. and given to the needy babies and children right before Christmas. This was done in both Mityana and Soroti Districts and they loved the offer and were all blessed.



Lack of adequate funds for poultry house completion

Lack of transport means like motorcar, motor bike

Expensive rental costs and bills

We do also still need more donors and volunteers to help in child sponsorship and other needs.

2015 GOALS

Continue ministering to the children through our outreach programs and bible studies

Keep providing essential needs to the children

Search for more partners and volunteers that could expose the organization to potential donors and supporters

Continue building the poutry project

We do applaud our staff, volunteers, friends and partners; http://www.brotherinchrist.com/, http://www.voyagerstoafrica.com/, Brian Derby Painting-http://www.derbypainting.net/, Mick Fredrick Tulk, Mityana Pentecostal Church and all the volunteers from Soroti and Mityana for the tremendous job that they have done to help better the lives of our children and our community! May the Almighty God bless the work of your hands as you welcome the New Year 2015.


God bless

Okumu Stephen

Principal Director